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Babies Are Cosmic: Signs of Their Secret Intelligence - 9780960071319

Babies Are Cosmic: Signs of Their Secret Intelligence
Kenmerken: Did you know that newborns and unborn babies have amazing awareness, memories, and advanced abilities? Babies Are Cosmic is a groundbreaking book that presents extraordinary findings about babies' awareness of birth, the womb, conception, heaven, choosing parents, and beyond. Moreover, physicians, psychologists, and birth professionals are finding signs of babies' secret intelligence before birth. - Unborn babies listen, communicate, and learn. - They sense if they are loved or unloved. - They observe events inside and outside the womb. - Twins display the same behaviors before and after birth. - Prenatal life impacts a child's psychological development. This evidence of consciousness before birth will expand your mind about who your children are and why they came to you.
Artikelnummer: 9200000119800120 -
Prijs: € 9,14
Did you know that newborns and unborn babies have amazing awareness, memories, and advanced abilities?

Babies Are Cosmic is a groundbreaking book that presents extraordinary findings about babies' awareness of birth, the womb, conception, heaven, choosing parents, and beyond. Moreover, physicians, psychologists, and birth professionals are finding signs of babies' secret intelligence before birth.

- Unborn babies listen, communicate, and learn.

- They sense if they are loved or unloved.

- They observe events inside and outside the womb.

- Twins display the same behaviors before and after birth.

- Prenatal life impacts a child's psychological development.

This evidence of consciousness before birth will expand your mind about who your children are and why they came to you.
