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836 artikelen in Bevalling

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Affirmatie kaarten | Zwanger | Pregnant | Affirmatie | Wenskaarten | Positivisme | Positieve gedachte | Mindset | Geluk | Kracht |Bevallen

Affirmatie kaarten | Zwanger | Pregnant | Affirmatie | Wenskaarten | Positivisme | Positieve gedachte | Mindset | Geluk | Kracht |Bevallen

Affirmatie kaarten Affirmatie betekent een kort, positief zinnetje dat je regelmatig tegen jezelf zegt' Door het met regelmaat te herhalen nestelt de positieve gedachte zich in jouw onderbewuste en zal daardoor op een positieve manier doorwerken! Denk aan zinnen zoals; - Ik vertrouw mijn lichaam - Mijn lichaam weet hoe het mijn baby moet baren - Ik voel nu innerlijke rust en kalmte - Ik verdien de bevalling waar ik naar verlang Ben je in verwachting of ken je iemand die zwanger is? Dit is een uniek set kaarten (20 st.) Om cadeau te doen. Alvast bedankt voor je aankoop! Caribische groet, Sharlexa
Affirmatie kaarten Affirmatie betekent een kort, positief zinnetje dat je regelmatig tegen jezelf zegt' Door het met regelmaat te herhalen nestelt de positieve gedachte zich in jouw onderbewuste en zal daardoor op een positieve manier doorwerken! Denk aan zinnen zoals; - Ik vertrouw mijn lichaam - Mijn lichaam weet hoe het mijn baby moet baren - Ik voel nu innerlijke rust en kalmte - Ik verdien de bevalling waar ik naar verlang Ben je in verwachting of ken je iemand die zwanger is? Dit is een uniek set kaarten (20 st.) Om cadeau te doen. Alvast bedankt voor je aankoop! Caribische groet, Sharlexa
After the Storm

After the Storm

The raw, relatable call-to-arms memoir, breaking the silence on postnatal depression - **f**rom the bestselling author of Animals and Adults An Unmissable Memoir for Summer 2021, Stylist A Hot Summer Book, Refinery29 'I am so grateful for this beautiful, honest book. It has helped me immeasurably' Pandora Sykes 'I loved this book' Clover Stroud 'Totally relatable ... had me laughing and crying in equal measures' Christie Watson 'Dazzling' The i Six months after the birth of her son, Emma Jane Unsworth finds herself in the eye of a storm. Nothing - from pregnancy to birth and beyond - has gone as she expected. A birth plan? It might as well have been a rough draft! Furious and exhausted, her life is the complete opposite of what it used to be. She's swapped all night benders for grazed labia and Whac-a-Moling haemorrhoids. How did she end up here? In this brave, vital account of postnatal depression, Emma tells her story of despair and recovery. She tackles the biggest taboos around motherhood and mental health, from botched stitches and bleeding nipples to anger and shame. How does pregnancy adapt our brains? Is postnatal depression a natural reaction to the trauma of modern motherhood? And are people's attitudes finally changing? After the Storm is a celebration of survival, holding out a hand to women everywhere. 'This book will make new mums feel accompanied, which is the most sacred thing' Jenn Ashworth 'Hilarious, heart-breaking and wise' Leah Hazard, midwife and author 'Truth and power and lots of LOLs too. I loved it' Amy Liptrot 'A brave and compelling part memoir, part manifesto' Marie Claire
The raw, relatable call-to-arms memoir, breaking the silence on postnatal depression - **f**rom the bestselling author of Animals and Adults An Unmissable Memoir for Summer 2021, Stylist A Hot Summer Book, Refinery29 'I am so grateful for this beautiful, honest book. It has helped me immeasurably' Pandora Sykes 'I loved this book' Clover Stroud 'Totally relatable ... had me laughing and crying in equal measures' Christie Watson 'Dazzling' The i Six months after the birth of her son, Emma Jane Unsworth finds herself in the eye of a storm. Nothing - from pregnancy to birth and beyond - has gone as she expected. A birth plan? It might as well have been a rough draft! Furious and exhausted, her life is the complete opposite of what it used to be. She's swapped all night benders for grazed labia and Whac-a-Moling haemorrhoids. How did she end up here? In this brave, vital account of postnatal depression, Emma tells her story of despair and recovery. She tackles the biggest taboos around motherhood and mental health, from botched stitches and bleeding nipples to anger and shame. How does pregnancy adapt our brains? Is postnatal depression a natural reaction to the trauma of modern motherhood? And are people's attitudes finally changing? After the Storm is a celebration of survival, holding out a hand to women everywhere. 'This book will make new mums feel accompanied, which is the most sacred thing' Jenn Ashworth 'Hilarious, heart-breaking and wise' Leah Hazard, midwife and author 'Truth and power and lots of LOLs too. I loved it' Amy Liptrot 'A brave and compelling part memoir, part manifesto' Marie Claire
Agenda voor het eerste jaar na de bevalling

Agenda voor het eerste jaar na de bevalling

Veilig door het eerste jaar na de bevalling Deze unieke agenda begint bij de bevalling en eindigt met een mijlpaal: de eerste verjaardag van je kind. Het eerste jaar na de bevalling is een superdynamisch jaar. De agenda maakt het ouders mogelijk dicht bij zichzelf te blijven en bij de nieuwe ervaringen die zij opdoen bij de ontwikkeling van hun kind: het moment dat het eerste tandje doorkomt en wanneer je kind de eerste stapjes zet. Deze agenda biedt ouders een steuntje in de rug, groeit met de baby mee en met de ervaringen van de ouders. * Compleet overzicht van de dagelijkse verzorging * Helpt ouders bij de mijlpalen in de ontwikkeling van hun kind * Praktische adviezen in humoristische en kleurrijke verpakking * Prachtig cadeau voor de moderne toekomstige ouders in deze tijd
Veilig door het eerste jaar na de bevalling Deze unieke agenda begint bij de bevalling en eindigt met een mijlpaal: de eerste verjaardag van je kind. Het eerste jaar na de bevalling is een superdynamisch jaar. De agenda maakt het ouders mogelijk dicht bij zichzelf te blijven en bij de nieuwe ervaringen die zij opdoen bij de ontwikkeling van hun kind: het moment dat het eerste tandje doorkomt en wanneer je kind de eerste stapjes zet. Deze agenda biedt ouders een steuntje in de rug, groeit met de baby mee en met de ervaringen van de ouders. * Compleet overzicht van de dagelijkse verzorging * Helpt ouders bij de mijlpalen in de ontwikkeling van hun kind * Praktische adviezen in humoristische en kleurrijke verpakking * Prachtig cadeau voor de moderne toekomstige ouders in deze tijd
All About The Baby Sleep Solution

All About The Baby Sleep Solution

When it comes to baby sleep, Lucy Wolfe has seen – and solved – it all. Her gentle stay-and-support approach has helped thousands of people achieve the holy grail of parenthood: a full night's sleep! But even with the best routine things can go awry, so in her second book Lucy addresses the most common problems that interrupt sleep routines. Dealing with a child's first three years and tackling the most common sleep issues, select your problem area and discover solutions and reassurance. Whether you are struggling with short naps, feeding association at bedtime, early rising or navigating interruptions to the usual routine like school pick-ups, day care, sickness and teething, All About the Baby Sleep Solution will get you back on track, providing the support required to ensure everyone gets the sleep they need. "My cousin recommended Lucy Wolfe to me after Theodore had his worst night ever, sleeping just 90 minutes. I started Lucy's routine on a Saturday night and, even with a cold, Theodore has been sleeping through all week. I actually can't believe it! I feel like a new person. Thank you, Lucy.' Vogue Williams
When it comes to baby sleep, Lucy Wolfe has seen – and solved – it all. Her gentle stay-and-support approach has helped thousands of people achieve the holy grail of parenthood: a full night's sleep! But even with the best routine things can go awry, so in her second book Lucy addresses the most common problems that interrupt sleep routines. Dealing with a child's first three years and tackling the most common sleep issues, select your problem area and discover solutions and reassurance. Whether you are struggling with short naps, feeding association at bedtime, early rising or navigating interruptions to the usual routine like school pick-ups, day care, sickness and teething, All About the Baby Sleep Solution will get you back on track, providing the support required to ensure everyone gets the sleep they need. "My cousin recommended Lucy Wolfe to me after Theodore had his worst night ever, sleeping just 90 minutes. I started Lucy's routine on a Saturday night and, even with a cold, Theodore has been sleeping through all week. I actually can't believe it! I feel like a new person. Thank you, Lucy.' Vogue Williams
Alles erop en eraan

Alles erop en eraan

Wat gebeurt er tijdens de bevruchting en zwangerschap? Wat gebeurt er in het lichaam van de vrouw, hoe groeit de baby in de baarmoeder en hoe is de geboorte mogelijk? In dit boek worden deze schijnbaar vanzelfsprekende zaken met respect en warmte uitgelegd.
Wat gebeurt er tijdens de bevruchting en zwangerschap? Wat gebeurt er in het lichaam van de vrouw, hoe groeit de baby in de baarmoeder en hoe is de geboorte mogelijk? In dit boek worden deze schijnbaar vanzelfsprekende zaken met respect en warmte uitgelegd.
Alles Over Baby's

Alles Over Baby's

Deze gids leert de zwangere vrouw hoe ze zich kan voorbereiden op de komst van haar kind Hoe kunnen ouders de ontwikkeling van hun kind volgen en stimuleren? Onder toezicht van Kind & Gezin Dit boek is een geactualiseerde en ingekorte versie van de Gids voor jonge ouders, sinds vele jaren een bestseller in het Lannoo-fonds Een team bestaande uit gynaecologen, verloskundigen, kinderartsen, voedingsdeskundigen, psychiaters en psychologen stelde het Compleet babyboek samen dat ongetwijfeld antwoord biedt op de vele vragen die ouders zich stellen vanaf het ogenblik dat hun kind zich aankondigt . Dit boek is een geactualiseerde en ingekorte versie van de Gids voor jonge ouders, sedert vele jaren een bestseller in het Lannoo-fonds.
Deze gids leert de zwangere vrouw hoe ze zich kan voorbereiden op de komst van haar kind Hoe kunnen ouders de ontwikkeling van hun kind volgen en stimuleren? Onder toezicht van Kind & Gezin Dit boek is een geactualiseerde en ingekorte versie van de Gids voor jonge ouders, sinds vele jaren een bestseller in het Lannoo-fonds Een team bestaande uit gynaecologen, verloskundigen, kinderartsen, voedingsdeskundigen, psychiaters en psychologen stelde het Compleet babyboek samen dat ongetwijfeld antwoord biedt op de vele vragen die ouders zich stellen vanaf het ogenblik dat hun kind zich aankondigt . Dit boek is een geactualiseerde en ingekorte versie van de Gids voor jonge ouders, sedert vele jaren een bestseller in het Lannoo-fonds.
Almost Mama

Almost Mama

BLOND Amsterdam heeft inmiddels internationale bekendheid verworven met de herkenbare illustraties vol kleur en humor. Almost mama is alweer het zesde boek van Blond en staat boordevol tips en trucs voor mama's-to-be en de kersverse moeders. Leuke informatie over de zwangerschap, de geboorte en de eerste negen maanden met de baby wordt afgewiseld met mamatrends, supertips en -trucs en de persoonlijke favorieten van Blond. Voor elke jonge vrouw die een kind verwacht of net heeft gekregen, is dit het leukste cadeau!
BLOND Amsterdam heeft inmiddels internationale bekendheid verworven met de herkenbare illustraties vol kleur en humor. Almost mama is alweer het zesde boek van Blond en staat boordevol tips en trucs voor mama's-to-be en de kersverse moeders. Leuke informatie over de zwangerschap, de geboorte en de eerste negen maanden met de baby wordt afgewiseld met mamatrends, supertips en -trucs en de persoonlijke favorieten van Blond. Voor elke jonge vrouw die een kind verwacht of net heeft gekregen, is dit het leukste cadeau!
Als bevallen spannend is

Als bevallen spannend is

Een praktische en mentale voorbereiding op de bevalling voor aanstaande ouders. Tijdens de bevalling staan gezondheid van moeder en kind op de eerste plaats; het moet veilig zijn! Maar een bevalling is zoveel meer dan een geboorte. Het is een unieke, zeer persoonlijke en emotionele gebeurtenis voor de vrouw én haar partner. Hopelijk is het dus niet alleen een veilige bevalling, maar ook een fijne bevalling! Als je de bevalling spannend vindt of er misschien zelfs tegenop ziet, helpt alleen begrijpen wat er gebeurt niet altijd voldoende. Want wat doe je als aanstaande ouder met je eigen gevoelens, zorgen, wensen en verwachtingen? Dit boek biedt je een praktische en mentale voorbereiding. Als bevallen spannend is staat voor: - Zelf bijdragen aan een zo optimaal mogelijke bevalling. - In je eigen kracht staan, ongeacht waar en hoe je bevalt. - Je partner of bevalmaatje als belangrijkste coach zien. - Tijdens de weeën loslaten, zonder dat je controle verliest. - Bewuste keuzes maken rondom je bevalling. - Samen met je partner en zorgverleners een sterk team vormen. Lilian Wirken is verloskundige in Oosterhout. Ze begeleidde al vele zwangerschappen en verleende zorg bij ruim duizend bevallingen. Haar ervaringen in de bevalkamer, met coaching en mindfulness komen samen in dit unieke boek. Meer weten en gratis downloads? Kijk op: Twitter: @Verlosk_Coach Een deel van de opbrengst van dit boek gaat naar de stichting midwives4mothers.
Een praktische en mentale voorbereiding op de bevalling voor aanstaande ouders. Tijdens de bevalling staan gezondheid van moeder en kind op de eerste plaats; het moet veilig zijn! Maar een bevalling is zoveel meer dan een geboorte. Het is een unieke, zeer persoonlijke en emotionele gebeurtenis voor de vrouw én haar partner. Hopelijk is het dus niet alleen een veilige bevalling, maar ook een fijne bevalling! Als je de bevalling spannend vindt of er misschien zelfs tegenop ziet, helpt alleen begrijpen wat er gebeurt niet altijd voldoende. Want wat doe je als aanstaande ouder met je eigen gevoelens, zorgen, wensen en verwachtingen? Dit boek biedt je een praktische en mentale voorbereiding. Als bevallen spannend is staat voor: - Zelf bijdragen aan een zo optimaal mogelijke bevalling. - In je eigen kracht staan, ongeacht waar en hoe je bevalt. - Je partner of bevalmaatje als belangrijkste coach zien. - Tijdens de weeën loslaten, zonder dat je controle verliest. - Bewuste keuzes maken rondom je bevalling. - Samen met je partner en zorgverleners een sterk team vormen. Lilian Wirken is verloskundige in Oosterhout. Ze begeleidde al vele zwangerschappen en verleende zorg bij ruim duizend bevallingen. Haar ervaringen in de bevalkamer, met coaching en mindfulness komen samen in dit unieke boek. Meer weten en gratis downloads? Kijk op: Twitter: @Verlosk_Coach Een deel van de opbrengst van dit boek gaat naar de stichting midwives4mothers.
Als zwanger worden niet vanzelf gaat

Als zwanger worden niet vanzelf gaat

MARINA NICHOLAS als ZWANGER WORDEN niet vanzelf gaat Ken je lichaam - Doe de tests - Kies de behandeling Als het steeds niet lukt om zwanger te worden, valt het niet mee om in die situatie verandering te brengen. Onvruchtbaarheid kan vele oorzaken hebben. Dit hartverwarmende boek neemt u mee op de tocht die Marina Nicholas zelf heeft moeten ondernemen om zwanger te worden van haar zoon Bruno. Naast de vele emotionele hobbels die ze heeft moeten nemen deelt ze de kennis die ze gedurende haar zoektocht heeft opgedaan, zodat stellen met een kinderwens een betere start hebben. Het boek biedt hoop voor de toekomst maar kan uiteraard geen enkele garantie geven. - Het eerste persoonlijke boek over onvruchtbaarheid - Verschaft kennis over uw lichaam, de cyclus en de oorzaak van onvruchtbaarheid - Zorgt ervoor dat u weet welke tests noodzakelijk zijn - Verhoogt zorgvuldig en weloverwogen de kans op zwangerschap - Geeft aan hoe een optimale conditie van de partners bereikt kan worden Een actueel, informatief en onontbeerlijk boek voor stellen met een kinderwens. Marina Nicholas is medisch-biologe, afgestudeerd in human biological sciences aan Loughborough University. Zij heeft jaren onderzoek gedaan naar de mogelijkheden die de complementaire en reguliere geneeskunde te bieden hebben als het gaat om vruchtbaarheid. Zij onderhoudt een website:
MARINA NICHOLAS als ZWANGER WORDEN niet vanzelf gaat Ken je lichaam - Doe de tests - Kies de behandeling Als het steeds niet lukt om zwanger te worden, valt het niet mee om in die situatie verandering te brengen. Onvruchtbaarheid kan vele oorzaken hebben. Dit hartverwarmende boek neemt u mee op de tocht die Marina Nicholas zelf heeft moeten ondernemen om zwanger te worden van haar zoon Bruno. Naast de vele emotionele hobbels die ze heeft moeten nemen deelt ze de kennis die ze gedurende haar zoektocht heeft opgedaan, zodat stellen met een kinderwens een betere start hebben. Het boek biedt hoop voor de toekomst maar kan uiteraard geen enkele garantie geven. - Het eerste persoonlijke boek over onvruchtbaarheid - Verschaft kennis over uw lichaam, de cyclus en de oorzaak van onvruchtbaarheid - Zorgt ervoor dat u weet welke tests noodzakelijk zijn - Verhoogt zorgvuldig en weloverwogen de kans op zwangerschap - Geeft aan hoe een optimale conditie van de partners bereikt kan worden Een actueel, informatief en onontbeerlijk boek voor stellen met een kinderwens. Marina Nicholas is medisch-biologe, afgestudeerd in human biological sciences aan Loughborough University. Zij heeft jaren onderzoek gedaan naar de mogelijkheden die de complementaire en reguliere geneeskunde te bieden hebben als het gaat om vruchtbaarheid. Zij onderhoudt een website:
An Excellent Choice

An Excellent Choice

I mumble 'I need to order some sperm'. The receptionist puts me through to a technician to see if what I want is available. 'Number?' says the man. I give him the reference for my sperm donor. There is a clacking of keys, followed by a short pause. Then with the smoothness of a sommelier fielding a wine order at dinner, he says 'An excellent choice'. Emma Brockes is thirty-seven, lives alone, and wants children. She is in a relationship (good!) but they aren't doing the parenting together (weird!). Her partner, L, has her own child. Emma needs sperm, a doctor, and not to bankrupt herself before any child arrives. And that's just the beginning - there are a million choices to make when you are taking the untraditional route to motherhood. Is she ready to be a single mother? Is there a way of talking about any of this honestly without being too defensive or too jolly? Should the sperm donor be a writer like her, or someone with completely different talents (something equally interesting, just not too interesting ie. a mime artist)? Are high-waisted postnatal support pants essential or optional? What will her baby be to L? Will they be parallel parenting? Proximal parenting? Parenting in each other's general direction? Brockes navigates these decisions against a background of uninvited opinion, scolding, and the general hysteria that always accompanies a woman's decision to have (or not have) children. With generous heart and humour, An Excellent Choice examines essential questions about motherhood and the modern family - and asks how and why so many women are choosing to solo parent.
I mumble 'I need to order some sperm'. The receptionist puts me through to a technician to see if what I want is available. 'Number?' says the man. I give him the reference for my sperm donor. There is a clacking of keys, followed by a short pause. Then with the smoothness of a sommelier fielding a wine order at dinner, he says 'An excellent choice'. Emma Brockes is thirty-seven, lives alone, and wants children. She is in a relationship (good!) but they aren't doing the parenting together (weird!). Her partner, L, has her own child. Emma needs sperm, a doctor, and not to bankrupt herself before any child arrives. And that's just the beginning - there are a million choices to make when you are taking the untraditional route to motherhood. Is she ready to be a single mother? Is there a way of talking about any of this honestly without being too defensive or too jolly? Should the sperm donor be a writer like her, or someone with completely different talents (something equally interesting, just not too interesting ie. a mime artist)? Are high-waisted postnatal support pants essential or optional? What will her baby be to L? Will they be parallel parenting? Proximal parenting? Parenting in each other's general direction? Brockes navigates these decisions against a background of uninvited opinion, scolding, and the general hysteria that always accompanies a woman's decision to have (or not have) children. With generous heart and humour, An Excellent Choice examines essential questions about motherhood and the modern family - and asks how and why so many women are choosing to solo parent.
Aqua Yoga

Aqua Yoga

Written by the highly regarded founder of the Birth light Trust and yoga teacher, this inspiring and expert guide offers ideal exercises and routines for both pregnancy and after the birth within the therapeutic and supportive medium of water.
Written by the highly regarded founder of the Birth light Trust and yoga teacher, this inspiring and expert guide offers ideal exercises and routines for both pregnancy and after the birth within the therapeutic and supportive medium of water.
Around the Birthing Ball

Around the Birthing Ball

Around The Birthing Ball gives pregnant women an opportunity to meet other women and learn about their labor and delivery experiences from the first contraction to the moment of happiness and joy. Simply written, each story conveys the emotional and physical challenges with just enough balance between humor and drama. Based on interviews with real mothers, this book provides examples of stories about non-medicated births and home births, as well as stories about epidural-assisted births and births via C-Section. Supported by interviews with medical practitioners explaining the labor and delivery process, these stories are geared toward familiarizing expectant parents with what may happen when labor starts and how to keep an open mind regarding the options that might await them when the baby begins to arrive.
Around The Birthing Ball gives pregnant women an opportunity to meet other women and learn about their labor and delivery experiences from the first contraction to the moment of happiness and joy. Simply written, each story conveys the emotional and physical challenges with just enough balance between humor and drama. Based on interviews with real mothers, this book provides examples of stories about non-medicated births and home births, as well as stories about epidural-assisted births and births via C-Section. Supported by interviews with medical practitioners explaining the labor and delivery process, these stories are geared toward familiarizing expectant parents with what may happen when labor starts and how to keep an open mind regarding the options that might await them when the baby begins to arrive.
As Semanas Magicas

As Semanas Magicas

As Semanas Magicas. Como estimular as semanas de desenvolvimento mais importantes nos primeiros 20 meses do seu bebe e transformar essas 10 fases extraordinarias e dificeis em saltos magicos descreve em termos de facil compreensao as incriveis mudancas de desenvolvimento e periodos de regressao que todos os bebes passam durante os primeiros 20 meses de suas vidas. A edicao de capa branca ampliada descreve mais 2 saltos no desenvolvimento mental de seu bebe ate o final do periodo sensorio-motor. O livro oferece orientacao para: * Saber quando e porque seu bebe esta dificil * Ajuda-lo (a) (e a voce proprio (a)) a passar/sobreviver as fases dificeis * Tirar o maximo de proveito dessas fases de desenvolvimento O livro se baseia na descoberta cientifica da mudanca do mundo dos pais de um fenomeno: todos os bebes normais e saudaveis parecem ficar mais exigentes aproximadamente nas mesmas idades, os periodos de regressao, e dormem menos nestas fases. Um best-seller mundial que resgatara a sanidade dos pais de todo o mundo. Essas flutuacoes relacionadas a idade de necessidade de contato corporal e atencao (periodos de regressao) estao ligadas a mudancas importantes e bastante dramaticas nos cerebros das criancas. Essas mudancas permitem que um bebe entre em um mundo de percepcao completamente novo como consequencia, para que ele aprenda varias novas habilidades. Isso deveria ser motivo de celebracao, mas uma vez que o bebe esta em causa, essas mudancas sao desconcertantes. Ele foi pego de surpresa -- tudo mudou durante a noite. E como se ele tivesse acordado em um planeta diferente. O livro inclui: * Guia semanal do comportamento do bebe * Quando esperar o comportamento dificil, o que ele implica (comportamento choroso, apegamento e irritabilidade, o CAI) e como lidar com esses periodos de regressao (saltos) * Uma descricao da perspectiva de seu bebe do mundo a volta dele e como voce pode entender as alteracoes pelas quais ele esta passando * Jogos divertidos e atividades delicadas para voce fazer com sua crianca Comentarios de especialistas: --- Esta e uma janela muito pratica e divertida para o primeiro ano e meio do bebe. Plooij e van de Rijt observaram e encontraram os periodos vulneraveis no desenvolvimento do bebe que eu, de forma independente, trouxe para o meu livro Touchpoints (Perseus). As observacoes dos autores e as sugestoes praticas sao maravilhosas. (T. Berry Brazelton, MD, professor emerito, Harvard Medical School ). --- O trabalho de van de Rijt e Plooij sobre o desenvolvimento infantil tem um enorme valor para uso clinico e aplicacao cientifica. Eles nao apenas explicaram os periodos de comportamento intrigante e dificil na infancia, que tanto preocupam os pais, mas tambem mostraram como esses comportamentos marcam os saltos de desenvolvimento e descreveram os estagios de compreensao da crianca. Em conjunto, isso oferece aos pais e profissionais uma visao bem fundamentada sobre as mentes em desenvolvimento dos bebes. Alem disso, van de Rijt e Plooij descreveram a brincadeira e a comunicacao que melhor funcionam com os bebes em diferentes idades e, portanto, ajudaram os pais a entender e se relacionar de forma sensivel com seus bebes. Esta relacao entre pais e filhos e o principal pre-requisito para o desenvolvimento de criancas seguras e bem ajustadas. O livro As Semanas Magicas e uma leitura essencial para todas as pessoas que trabalham com bebes: pediatras, assistentes sociais, psicologos e, claro, pais. (John Richer, PhD, diplomado em psicologia clinica, psicologo clinico consultor e chefe de psicologia pediatrica do Departamento de Pediatria, John Radcliffe Hospital, em Oxford, Inglaterra
As Semanas Magicas. Como estimular as semanas de desenvolvimento mais importantes nos primeiros 20 meses do seu bebe e transformar essas 10 fases extraordinarias e dificeis em saltos magicos descreve em termos de facil compreensao as incriveis mudancas de desenvolvimento e periodos de regressao que todos os bebes passam durante os primeiros 20 meses de suas vidas. A edicao de capa branca ampliada descreve mais 2 saltos no desenvolvimento mental de seu bebe ate o final do periodo sensorio-motor. O livro oferece orientacao para: * Saber quando e porque seu bebe esta dificil * Ajuda-lo (a) (e a voce proprio (a)) a passar/sobreviver as fases dificeis * Tirar o maximo de proveito dessas fases de desenvolvimento O livro se baseia na descoberta cientifica da mudanca do mundo dos pais de um fenomeno: todos os bebes normais e saudaveis parecem ficar mais exigentes aproximadamente nas mesmas idades, os periodos de regressao, e dormem menos nestas fases. Um best-seller mundial que resgatara a sanidade dos pais de todo o mundo. Essas flutuacoes relacionadas a idade de necessidade de contato corporal e atencao (periodos de regressao) estao ligadas a mudancas importantes e bastante dramaticas nos cerebros das criancas. Essas mudancas permitem que um bebe entre em um mundo de percepcao completamente novo como consequencia, para que ele aprenda varias novas habilidades. Isso deveria ser motivo de celebracao, mas uma vez que o bebe esta em causa, essas mudancas sao desconcertantes. Ele foi pego de surpresa -- tudo mudou durante a noite. E como se ele tivesse acordado em um planeta diferente. O livro inclui: * Guia semanal do comportamento do bebe * Quando esperar o comportamento dificil, o que ele implica (comportamento choroso, apegamento e irritabilidade, o CAI) e como lidar com esses periodos de regressao (saltos) * Uma descricao da perspectiva de seu bebe do mundo a volta dele e como voce pode entender as alteracoes pelas quais ele esta passando * Jogos divertidos e atividades delicadas para voce fazer com sua crianca Comentarios de especialistas: --- Esta e uma janela muito pratica e divertida para o primeiro ano e meio do bebe. Plooij e van de Rijt observaram e encontraram os periodos vulneraveis no desenvolvimento do bebe que eu, de forma independente, trouxe para o meu livro Touchpoints (Perseus). As observacoes dos autores e as sugestoes praticas sao maravilhosas. (T. Berry Brazelton, MD, professor emerito, Harvard Medical School ). --- O trabalho de van de Rijt e Plooij sobre o desenvolvimento infantil tem um enorme valor para uso clinico e aplicacao cientifica. Eles nao apenas explicaram os periodos de comportamento intrigante e dificil na infancia, que tanto preocupam os pais, mas tambem mostraram como esses comportamentos marcam os saltos de desenvolvimento e descreveram os estagios de compreensao da crianca. Em conjunto, isso oferece aos pais e profissionais uma visao bem fundamentada sobre as mentes em desenvolvimento dos bebes. Alem disso, van de Rijt e Plooij descreveram a brincadeira e a comunicacao que melhor funcionam com os bebes em diferentes idades e, portanto, ajudaram os pais a entender e se relacionar de forma sensivel com seus bebes. Esta relacao entre pais e filhos e o principal pre-requisito para o desenvolvimento de criancas seguras e bem ajustadas. O livro As Semanas Magicas e uma leitura essencial para todas as pessoas que trabalham com bebes: pediatras, assistentes sociais, psicologos e, claro, pais. (John Richer, PhD, diplomado em psicologia clinica, psicologo clinico consultor e chefe de psicologia pediatrica do Departamento de Pediatria, John Radcliffe Hospital, em Oxford, Inglaterra
As You Grow

As You Grow

A modern take on a baby memory book and journal, 'As You Grow' stands out from the crowd of baby books with its elegant, chic and timeless design. The gender-neutral artwork with guided sections provide space for every family to record moments from pregnancy to age five. Author and illustrator Korie Herold pored over every page, adding artistic detail and flourishes that work to create a book you can interact with now and look back on for a lifetime. This chic design promotes longevity, as this keepsake book is intended to be shared and displayed for years to come. 'As You Grow' is inclusive of every modern family.
A modern take on a baby memory book and journal, 'As You Grow' stands out from the crowd of baby books with its elegant, chic and timeless design. The gender-neutral artwork with guided sections provide space for every family to record moments from pregnancy to age five. Author and illustrator Korie Herold pored over every page, adding artistic detail and flourishes that work to create a book you can interact with now and look back on for a lifetime. This chic design promotes longevity, as this keepsake book is intended to be shared and displayed for years to come. 'As You Grow' is inclusive of every modern family.
Avoir un enfant à 40 ans (ou presque)

Avoir un enfant à 40 ans (ou presque)

"Loin du cliché de la femme battante, cadre et surinvestie dans son travail au point d'en oublier de faire des enfants, Anne-Lise et Agathe montrent bien que la réalité de la parentalité tardive est diverse et plurielle." Serge Hefez Devenir parent à 40 ans pour la première fois (ou pas) est un véritable phénomène de société. Cela concerne des femmes et des hommes impliqués, prêts à vivre l'aventure de la parentalité avec maturité et de nombreux questionnements. Affranchi des discours culpabilisants et anxiogènes, éclairé par les points de vue de parents et d'experts - médecins, psychologues, etc. -, ce guide répond à toutes vos questions : Bébé se fait attendre : comment faire quand ça ne marche pas tout seul $ Bébé est en route : comment vivre les neuf mois d'attente et préparer l'accouchement dans la sérénité ? Bébé est enfin là : comment l'accueillir dans les meilleures conditions ? Votre enfant grandit : comment être ce parent disponible et engagé sans vous oublier ?
"Loin du cliché de la femme battante, cadre et surinvestie dans son travail au point d'en oublier de faire des enfants, Anne-Lise et Agathe montrent bien que la réalité de la parentalité tardive est diverse et plurielle." Serge Hefez Devenir parent à 40 ans pour la première fois (ou pas) est un véritable phénomène de société. Cela concerne des femmes et des hommes impliqués, prêts à vivre l'aventure de la parentalité avec maturité et de nombreux questionnements. Affranchi des discours culpabilisants et anxiogènes, éclairé par les points de vue de parents et d'experts - médecins, psychologues, etc. -, ce guide répond à toutes vos questions : Bébé se fait attendre : comment faire quand ça ne marche pas tout seul $ Bébé est en route : comment vivre les neuf mois d'attente et préparer l'accouchement dans la sérénité ? Bébé est enfin là : comment l'accueillir dans les meilleures conditions ? Votre enfant grandit : comment être ce parent disponible et engagé sans vous oublier ?
Ayurveda Mama

Ayurveda Mama

Engels | Paperback | 9781087915234 | 356 pagina's-9781087915234
Babies Are Cosmic

Babies Are Cosmic

Engels | Paperback | 9780960071302 | 366 pagina's-9780960071302
Babies Are Cosmic: Signs of Their Secret Intelligence

Babies Are Cosmic: Signs of Their Secret Intelligence

Did you know that newborns and unborn babies have amazing awareness, memories, and advanced abilities? Babies Are Cosmic is a groundbreaking book that presents extraordinary findings about babies' awareness of birth, the womb, conception, heaven, choosing parents, and beyond. Moreover, physicians, psychologists, and birth professionals are finding signs of babies' secret intelligence before birth. - Unborn babies listen, communicate, and learn. - They sense if they are loved or unloved. - They observe events inside and outside the womb. - Twins display the same behaviors before and after birth. - Prenatal life impacts a child's psychological development. This evidence of consciousness before birth will expand your mind about who your children are and why they came to you.
Did you know that newborns and unborn babies have amazing awareness, memories, and advanced abilities? Babies Are Cosmic is a groundbreaking book that presents extraordinary findings about babies' awareness of birth, the womb, conception, heaven, choosing parents, and beyond. Moreover, physicians, psychologists, and birth professionals are finding signs of babies' secret intelligence before birth. - Unborn babies listen, communicate, and learn. - They sense if they are loved or unloved. - They observe events inside and outside the womb. - Twins display the same behaviors before and after birth. - Prenatal life impacts a child's psychological development. This evidence of consciousness before birth will expand your mind about who your children are and why they came to you.


Nederlands | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9789021524894 | 192 pagina's-9789021524894
Schoon, Compleet en als Nieuw.
Baby & Me -- Spanish Edition / Mi bebe y yo

Baby & Me -- Spanish Edition / Mi bebe y yo

Offers advice on preparing for pregnancy, good health for pregnant women, prenatal care, what to expect during each month of pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn.
Offers advice on preparing for pregnancy, good health for pregnant women, prenatal care, what to expect during each month of pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn.
Baby / De Naam

Baby / De Naam

De naam: het net-even-andere-namenboekje, met wereldnamen voor je toekomstige baby. Namen die je in eenvoud zullen verrassen, buitenlandse namen, namen en hun betekenis en namen die je vooral niet moet geven.
De naam: het net-even-andere-namenboekje, met wereldnamen voor je toekomstige baby. Namen die je in eenvoud zullen verrassen, buitenlandse namen, namen en hun betekenis en namen die je vooral niet moet geven.
Baby 411: Your Baby, Birth to Age 1! Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask about Your Newborn

Baby 411: Your Baby, Birth to Age 1! Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask about Your Newborn

"(Baby 411 is) my go-to reference so I don't bother Charlotte's pediatrician!"?Chelsea Clinton (US Weekly, Sept. 2015). You are having a baby! Congratulations! Now, the reality hits you&;what the heck am I doing? What if you could bottle the wisdom of all those parents who&;ve come before you . . . and mix it with the solid medical advice from an nationally-renowned pediatrician? Baby 411 is the answer! Think of it as the ultimate FAQ for new parents. Inside you&;ll learn: &; How to pick a pediatrician with savvy questions to ask and insider tips. &; Sleep. The best way to get your baby to sleep through the night. &; First aid&;when to worry, when not . . . and what to do when baby gets sick. No-nonsense, down-to-earth advice you can trust. &; Fussy baby 411. Is it colic? Acid reflux? Or something else? Discover the secrets to soothing a fussy baby. &; Detailed nutrition info with a step-by-step guide for successful breastfeeding, introducing solid food and the &;&;new and improved&;&; formulas. Plus: simple steps to avoid food allergies! &; Is my baby normal? Learn how your baby will grow and develop! New in this revised 9th edition: &; Designer baby formulas?Are they worth it? What about goat's milk formula? &; New sleeping gizmos: Do new electronic bassinets actually work at soothing baby? &; New breastfeeding aids to boost milk supply that actually work. All that and more in the new, updated and revised BABY 411!
"(Baby 411 is) my go-to reference so I don't bother Charlotte's pediatrician!"?Chelsea Clinton (US Weekly, Sept. 2015). You are having a baby! Congratulations! Now, the reality hits you&;what the heck am I doing? What if you could bottle the wisdom of all those parents who&;ve come before you . . . and mix it with the solid medical advice from an nationally-renowned pediatrician? Baby 411 is the answer! Think of it as the ultimate FAQ for new parents. Inside you&;ll learn: &; How to pick a pediatrician with savvy questions to ask and insider tips. &; Sleep. The best way to get your baby to sleep through the night. &; First aid&;when to worry, when not . . . and what to do when baby gets sick. No-nonsense, down-to-earth advice you can trust. &; Fussy baby 411. Is it colic? Acid reflux? Or something else? Discover the secrets to soothing a fussy baby. &; Detailed nutrition info with a step-by-step guide for successful breastfeeding, introducing solid food and the &;&;new and improved&;&; formulas. Plus: simple steps to avoid food allergies! &; Is my baby normal? Learn how your baby will grow and develop! New in this revised 9th edition: &; Designer baby formulas?Are they worth it? What about goat's milk formula? &; New sleeping gizmos: Do new electronic bassinets actually work at soothing baby? &; New breastfeeding aids to boost milk supply that actually work. All that and more in the new, updated and revised BABY 411!
Baby Body Language

Baby Body Language

Baby Body Language offers essential parenting advice and techniques to help raise children without spoiling them. The book gives parents insight into their children's thought processes and helps them understand the meanings behind their children's actions. It covers common parenting issues such as teething, potty training, first steps, new friends, separation anxiety, pets, and sibling rivalry. Understanding a baby's telltale body postures and gestures can help you to be a more effective parent. As babies grow older, there are even more situations when insight into their reactions will help you understand what they are trying to say. This book will both guide and reassure any parent or caretaker in the art of communicating with babies and small children.
Baby Body Language offers essential parenting advice and techniques to help raise children without spoiling them. The book gives parents insight into their children's thought processes and helps them understand the meanings behind their children's actions. It covers common parenting issues such as teething, potty training, first steps, new friends, separation anxiety, pets, and sibling rivalry. Understanding a baby's telltale body postures and gestures can help you to be a more effective parent. As babies grow older, there are even more situations when insight into their reactions will help you understand what they are trying to say. This book will both guide and reassure any parent or caretaker in the art of communicating with babies and small children.
Baby Bomb

Baby Bomb

Before you succeed at parenting, you need to succeed as a couple! Baby Bomb is the resource you need when a new baby turns your life-and your romantic relationship-upside down. A baby is a blessing-and also a completely life-altering event. If you're like many new parents, nothing could have fully prepared you for the exhaustion of late-night feedings, the explosive diapers, the evaporation of your free time, the pure joy, and the moments of pure terror. In the midst of these hazy, early months, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. And when you're overwhelmed, it's easy to put your romantic relationship on the back burner. But, more and more, research shows that in order to be the best parents you can be, you and your partner need to make sure that your needs-as a couple-are also met. Written by a psychologist and relationship expert, Baby Bomb offers powerful tools based in psychology and neurobiology to help you and your partner co-parent and co-partner as a solid and supportive team-while also cultivating mad love for each other! You'll find more than just tips for better parenting and partnering; you'll discover how a secure-functioning relationship is essential for raising happy, healthy kids. This isn't a book with advice about how to have a romantic candlelit dinner while your baby is screaming in the other room. It's a road map for getting on the same page about your expectations as parents, about your needs as humans, and about how to maintain a strong and lasting relationship in the face of, well, a baby bomb.
Before you succeed at parenting, you need to succeed as a couple! Baby Bomb is the resource you need when a new baby turns your life-and your romantic relationship-upside down. A baby is a blessing-and also a completely life-altering event. If you're like many new parents, nothing could have fully prepared you for the exhaustion of late-night feedings, the explosive diapers, the evaporation of your free time, the pure joy, and the moments of pure terror. In the midst of these hazy, early months, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. And when you're overwhelmed, it's easy to put your romantic relationship on the back burner. But, more and more, research shows that in order to be the best parents you can be, you and your partner need to make sure that your needs-as a couple-are also met. Written by a psychologist and relationship expert, Baby Bomb offers powerful tools based in psychology and neurobiology to help you and your partner co-parent and co-partner as a solid and supportive team-while also cultivating mad love for each other! You'll find more than just tips for better parenting and partnering; you'll discover how a secure-functioning relationship is essential for raising happy, healthy kids. This isn't a book with advice about how to have a romantic candlelit dinner while your baby is screaming in the other room. It's a road map for getting on the same page about your expectations as parents, about your needs as humans, and about how to maintain a strong and lasting relationship in the face of, well, a baby bomb.
Baby Book

Baby Book

The perfect gift for all new parents! The Baby Book is the ideal place to record all the special moments and memories from the first three years of your child's life. As well as details of the birth, parents and siblings, you can record all the firsts (sitting, crawling, walking, teeth), favourites (toys, books, friends, music) and events, with space for notes and photographs and charts to record growth. An expandable pocket at the back allows you to hold on to keepsakes and an elastic enclosure keeps everything in place.
The perfect gift for all new parents! The Baby Book is the ideal place to record all the special moments and memories from the first three years of your child's life. As well as details of the birth, parents and siblings, you can record all the firsts (sitting, crawling, walking, teeth), favourites (toys, books, friends, music) and events, with space for notes and photographs and charts to record growth. An expandable pocket at the back allows you to hold on to keepsakes and an elastic enclosure keeps everything in place.
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